Srha Asghar also announced her marriage at the age of 27 and she shared the wedding pictures with her husband. To introduce them, a few months ago, the drama serial Pyar Ke Sadqay aired on Hum TV channel has achieved a record success.
As well as being a very talented actress, Srha Asghar is also a well-known model and host. And she keeps sharing something new with her fans on her Instagram account. On the other hand, she has also launched her own YouTube channel, where she teaches dance to new actors.
On the other hand, actor Faizan Sheikh’s younger sister Rabya Kulsoom is her best friend. While some people have understood that they are twin sisters. But their friendship can also be gauged from the fact that they make videos of each event together.
Srha Asghar’s wedding pictures are rapidly going viral on social media and people are saying that Srha is more cute when they see her husband. And while her husband’s name is being mentioned as Lala Umer. So let’s take a look at some beautiful wedding pics with Srha’s husband and her family.