Beautiful photos of Pakistani actress and model Saba Qamar celebrating her 37th birthday with her close friends are going viral. In the viral photos, it can be seen that she is wearing a western dress in which she looks like a princess. While she is very happy to cut her birthday cake. Let us tell you one thing here that Saba Qamar was born on April 5, 1984, in Hyderabad.
Saba Qamar is one of the actresses in the Pakistani showbiz industry who can play all kinds of roles. While she also has the honor in Pakistan that she has gone to India and made a film with Irrfan Khan, a famous actor in the world of Bollywood. And her first film Hindi Medium was a worldwide success and her acting was talked about everywhere. Besides, she has acted in many Pakistani films and dramas.
Saba Qamar had a breakup with Azeem Khan just two days ago. And Saba herself confirmed this on her Instagram account. People were upset when they heard about the sudden break up of the relationship. And when the stars of the showbiz industry came out to support Saba Qamar in this difficult time. The actress wrote in her Insta message that this is a difficult time and it will pass. And those who are fans of Sabah will know very well that Saba is a fearless woman.
But in today’s article, we will see that Saba Qamar celebrated her 37th birthday with great fanfare with her friends. She wore a Western-style suit to her birthday party. And on the occasion of her birthday, her male actor friends attended the ceremony. And seeing the joy on Saba Qamar’s birthday, it seemed as if nothing had happened to her in the last few days. May Allah grant every girl strength like Saba. So let’s take a look at her birthday photos.
If you also want to watch the video of Saba Qamar cutting the cake, click on the link below to watch it.
Don’t forget to congratulate Saba Qamar on her 37th birthday and pray that Allah will send a good husband for her soon. Ameen.