A few days ago, the famous Pakistani Tiktoker Kanwal Aftab started her married life by marrying Zulqarnain Sikandar. And today some beautiful photos and videos of the newlyweds breaking her fast for the first time after her marriage with her husband and in-laws are going viral on social media. It can be seen in the pictures that she is wearing a black Sindhi dress while she is also covering her head with a scarf (dupatta).
If we talk about the age of the famous Pakistani Tiktoker Kanwal Aftab in the year 2021, then she has turned 23 years old. And she has confirmed in her interviews that she fell in love with Zulqarnain Sikandar at first sight. And now both of them have got nikkahfied following the command of Allah. Because a lot of people criticized the two of them when they saw them together and wrote wrong comments about them, so they got married immediately. And so they both proved their true love.
Kanwal Aftab and Zulqarnain Sikandar’s rukhsati and walima ceremony are yet to come. Because both of them believe that they will get married when the bad situation in the world gets better. So because of this, Kanwal is still living in her house. But today Kanwal broke the first fast with her in-laws at their request. Here we are telling you that Kanwal and her husband Zalqarnain are being followed by millions of people on the TikTok account.
But in today’s article, we will see that newlywed bride Kanwal Aftab is opening her first fast (Roza) with her in-laws and husband after her wedding. Sitting at the dinner table with her family, she was a little embarrassed. While people watched her viral video, they started saying that she looked very cute wearing a dupatta. If you also want to watch the full video of Kanwal and Zulqarnain fasting together, click on the link below. (This video was recorded by the top Pakistani website Urdupoint.com).
You too will not forget to congratulate the famous Pakistani Tiktoker Kanwal Aftab and Zulqarnain Sikandar on their marriage. Thanks!