Some beautiful pictures of Ayeza Khan and Mehwish Hayat dressed alike are going viral on social media. Looking at the pictures, it was difficult to decide which actress looked the cutest. In terms of acting, both are Pakistan’s top actresses. Ayeza Khan has dominated the drama industry while Mehwish Hayat has become a film heroine.
If we talk about the age of Ayeza Khan in the year 2021, then she is 29 years old, while on the other hand, Mehwish Hayat is 36 years old. For a long time, Mehwish has stopped working in Pakistani dramas and has only become a film actress. In contrast, Ayeza Khan only works in Pakistani dramas and she does not like working in films.
Ayeza Khan is one of the most followed Pakistani actresses on Instagram at the moment. She is currently followed by about eight and a half million people on Instagram. On the other hand, Mehwish Hayat has confirmed in her interviews that it has become a tradition in our showbiz industry to find new actresses by looking at Instagram followers.
But in today’s article, we will see that when Ayeza Khan and Mehwish Hayat wore the same dress, both the actresses looked like princesses. Many people started saying that both the actresses are cute. But if we are asked, our decision will be that Ayeza Khan looked more lovely. So let’s show you pictures of the two actresses together in the same dress.
After seeing the pictures of actress Ayeza Khan and Mehwish Hayat in the same dress, don’t forget to tell us which actress you like the most. Thanks!