Young Pakistani actress and model Mariyam Nafees surprised all the fans by sharing her engagement photos with her future husband. It can be seen in the pictures that she is looking very cute wearing a pink dress. On the other hand, she had a memorable photoshoot with her fiance to commemorate her engagement day.
If we talk about the age of Pakistani actress and model Mariyam Nafees in the year 2021, then she is 26 years old. And at that age, she looks like a Barbie doll. But now Mariyam Nafees is not single. She has announced her engagement with a boy more beautiful than her. When it comes to her successful drama, the drama serial Yakeen Ka Safar comes to the forefront.
Mariyam Nafees loves to be active 24 hours a day on her official Instagram account. Because she wants to be able to answer the questions asked by her fans in minutes. And that’s why the number of followers on Mariyam’s Instagram has reached millions today. On the other hand, people are seen on social media asking this young Pakistani actress the secret of her fair complexion.
But in today’s article, we will see that Pakistani actress and model Mariyam Nafees has announced her engagement on her official Instagram account and also shared pictures of her engagement with her future husband on social media. As can be seen in the viral photos, the newly engaged are looking very happy. So let’s take a look at the pictures of Mariyam Nafees’s engagement.
Don’t forget to congratulate Pakistani actress and model Mariyam Nafees on her engagement. Thanks!