Yasra Rizvi and Abdul Hadi have given birth to their first son. And the actress has shared photos of her newcomer guest with fans on social media. And Yasra has named her son Ibn-e-Adam. Indeed, every man and woman is very happy to be a parent. And today the good news came from their home.
If we talk about the age of Pakistani actress and model Yasra Rizvi in the year 2021, then she has turned 38 years old. And her husband is only 30 years old. Yasra and Abdul Hadi have been married for almost four and a half years. And by the grace of God, they have become the parents of the first child.
One of the special things about Yasra Rizvi is that she is very active on her Instagram account so that she can try to answer the questions asked by her fans immediately. And it would not be wrong to say that she is one of the actresses in the Pakistani showbiz industry who can play any role with great skill.
But in today’s article, we will see some beautiful pictures of Pakistani actress and model Yasra Rizvi with her son Ibn-e-Adam. Let us tell you one thing here that Ibn-e-Adam is now two days old. And with her fans, Yasra herself shared photos of her son on her official Instagram account.
Don’t forget to congratulate actress Yasra Rizvi and her husband Abdul Hadi on their first child. Thanks!