Some beautiful pictures of talented Pakistani actress and model Ushna Shah wearing a saree have been uploaded on Instagram. In the viral pictures, it can be seen that she is copying the style of Indian actress Kareena Kapoor. But she failed to copy the style.
Pakistani actress and model Ushna Shah have made her mark in the showbiz industry in a very short time. And besides acting, she also appears as a model in photoshoots with leading clothing brands. And maybe many of you don’t know that she is the stepsister of senior actress Irsa Ghazal.
If we talk about Ushna Shah’s successful drama of the past, then ARY Digital’s drama serial Balaa is at the top with actor Bilal Abbas Khan. And the drama was a huge success in the Asian region. She is very active on her Instagram account and that is why the number of her followers is increasing day by day.
But in today’s article, we will see Pakistani actress and model Ushna Shah looking very cute wearing an Indian saree. After seeing the viral pictures, people started saying on social media that Ushna is trying unsuccessfully to copy the style of Indian actress Kareena Kapoor.
Do you also watch Pakistani actress Ushna Shah’s dramas on TV with great interest? If yes, you will definitely tell us in the comments section below. Thanks!