On Friday, June 11, 2021, Minal Khan got engaged to actor Ahsan Mohsin Ikram. And her engagement photos are trending on every social media platform. To commemorate the engagement day, Minal Khan chose to wear a parrot green dress. While her fiance appeared in the traditional White Sherwani.
For the past two years, Minal Khan and Ahsan Mohsin Ikram have been in a love affair. And now they have turned their love into an engagement. Minal’s fiance is an actor by profession. And he’s busy developing his showbiz career right now. And he has also acted in 4-5 Pakistani dramas.
Minal Khan has acted in many successful Pakistani dramas. If we talk about his successful drama of the year 2021, then the drama serial Jalan tops the list with actress Areeba Habib. She also appears as a model in a photo shoot with a well-known clothing brand. And she started her showbiz career with a TV commercial.
But in today’s article, we will see that Pakistani actress and model Minal Khan has shared some beautiful photos with her in-laws on the occasion of her engagement. So let’s take a look.
After seeing the pictures of Minal Khan’s engagement, don’t forget to mention this in the comment section below. How did you guys feel about Minal Khan’s fiance? Thanks!