Samiya Arzoo, the wife of Pakistani all-rounder Hasan Ali, has shared photos of her daughter, Helena, with fans on social media for the first time. And she said in her Instagram post that her daughter is three months old. Many of you may not know that Samiya Arzoo belongs to India like Sania Mirza.
If we talk about the age of Samiya Arezoo, the wife of Pakistani cricketer Hasan Ali in the year 2021, then she has turned 25 years old. She also works as an air hostess for a private airline, which is why she spends most of her time in Dubai. There is no doubt that she is the best girl with morals.
Hasan Ali is considered as one of the key players of the Pakistan International Cricket Team due to his excellent performances. He has put many batsmen under tension due to his superb bowling. Hasan started his cricket career in a small village and worked hard day and night and then went on to earn a place of honor.
But in today’s article, we will see Pakistani cricketer Hasan Ali’s wife Samiya Arzoo uploading photos of her daughter Helena for the first time on social media with fans. She also wrote in her message that my doll daughter is three months old today. So let’s see the pictures with Hassan Ali’s family.
Are you also satisfied with the performance of Hasan Ali, the husband of Samiya Arzoo in the Pakistan cricket team? If yes, you will definitely express your opinion in the comments section below. Thanks!