Enjoying the first rain of the summer, Shahid Afridi has shared some beautiful photos with his youngest daughter Arwa on social media. As can be seen in the viral photos, he is enjoying the first rain of the year 2021 in Karachi with his daughters in the home garden.
44-year-old Pakistani cricketer and all-rounder Shahid Afridi loves his daughters very much. And just a few days ago, he arranged the marriage of his eldest daughter to the famous fast bowler Shaheen Shah Afridi. And the daughter is likely to get married soon after completing her studies.
After retiring from cricket, Shahid Afridi spends most of his time doing charity work. And he talks about every issue that is trending on social media. And people call him Boom Boom instead of Shahid Afridi. And that’s why the number of followers on her Instagram has reached millions.
But in today’s article, we will see the famous Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi enjoying the first rain of summer in Karachi with his daughters in the home garden. While enjoying the rain, Shahid Afridi has shared some beautiful pictures with his fans. So let’s see.
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