Some beautiful pictures of Pakistani actress and model Ghana Ali wearing shalwar kameez are going viral on social media. In the viral pictures, it can be seen that she is looking very cute as usual wearing a green dress. And she has confirmed many times in her interviews that an actress can achieve fame by wearing eastern clothes.
If we talk about the age of Ghana Ali in the year 2021, then she has turned 27 years old. And she just started her married life by marrying Umair Gulzar a few days ago. And this marriage has been criticized by people on social media because it is her husband’s second marriage. And Ghana’s husband has a son from his first wife who is seven years old.
After marrying Umair Gulzar, actress Ghana Ali stays active on her Instagram 24 hours a day and tries to answer fan’s questions immediately. And she believes that wherever she is today, it is only because of her fans. And that’s why the number of her followers on Ghana’s official Instagram, created two years ago, has reached millions.
But in today’s article, we will see Pakistani actress and model Ghana Ali attending her in-law’s party wearing shalwar kameez after marrying Amir Gulzar. And no doubt she looks as beautiful as ever. So let’s take a look at Ghana Ali’s new Instagram photos of the year 2021.
Do you also watch Ghana Ali’s photoshoots and dramas on TV with great interest? If yes, You will definitely tell us in the comments section below. Thanks!