Famous Pakistani actress Uroosa Qureshi shared a sweet family photo and extended eid wishes to her fans, celebrating Eid-ul-Adha. The Soteli Maamta actress turned to Instagram and posted a family photo featuring her husband Bilal Qureshi and kids Muhammad Sohaan and Muhammad Rohaan.
Uroosa Qureshi and Bilal Qureshi are very popular in showbiz for dressing in the same dress and people wait all year round to see a picture of them in the same clothes on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. And just a few months ago, her family consisted of four people and a little guest came to her house.
Bilal Qureshi and his wife Uroosa Qureshi rarely act in Pakistani dramas. They are seen acting in dramas that send a good message to our society. And what makes this couple special is that they like to spend time with their families and children after the shooting. And that’s why Bilal’s photos are often shared with his sons on social media.
But in today’s article, we will see that like every year, this year too Uroosa Qureshi and her husband Bilal Qureshi celebrated Eid-ul-Adha wearing the same dress. And no doubt, as always, her family won the hearts of the people. So take a look at the new Eid pictures of Uroosa Qureshi.
Do you also watch the drama serial of Pakistani actress and model Uroosa Qureshi and her husband Bilal Qureshi on TV with great interest? If yes, You will definitely tell us in the comments section below. Thanks!
Beautiful Family đŸ’— Mashallah
They’re a super model family! Decent,sweet family! Im a fan of Bilal Qureshi ever since “Munafiq” His acting was superb!! Have yet to see Uroosa’s drama but she is a beautiful lady! Im a fan of all actors who along with their work spend quality time with family…& dress up decently!!!
Yes I have great respect for this family
Bilal & uroosa
May Allah bless you always
MashaAllah looking nice all of you
Allah be always with you