Some beautiful pictures of Pakistani actress and model Sadaf Kanwal wearing a black saree are going viral on social media. As can be seen in the viral photos, she managed to win the hearts of her fans by wearing a saree as usual. And there is no doubt that Allah has endowed this girl with all the abilities that a model and an actress should have.
If we talk about the age of Pakistani actress and model Sadaf Kanwal in the year 2021, then she has turned 27 years old. And just a few months ago, she started her married life by marrying actor Shehroz Sabzwari in a simple way. But because of Shehroz’s second marriage, people on social media criticized Sadaf for ruining Syra’s house.
Here we have another thing to tell you that the Shehroz Sabzwari also has a daughter from his first wife Syra Yousaf. And his daughter Nooreh lives with her father and she occasionally goes to her mother’s house. But after divorcing Shehroz, Syra Yousaf is seen working on more acting and modeling projects than ever before.
But in today’s article, we will see Pakistani actress and model Sadaf Kanwal wearing a black saree and sharing some beautiful pictures with her fans. In the viral pictures, it can be seen that she is looking like a princess wearing a western saree. So let’s see the new black saree pictures of Sadaf.
Are you also watching the dramas of Pakistani actress and model Sadaf Kanwal on TV with great interest? If yes, You will definitely tell us in the comments section below. Thanks!
Sarhi k adaab dekhney hain to pakistan army ki khawateen ko dekh lein
kal ko tumhair baji ka rishta b kisi Major ka aya to tum ne dum hilatay hue haan kar k ruksat kar dena hai bhosri k
Like seriously yeh adaab k daairey main hai?
Sharm o haya ka pekar, pait aor naaf tu wesy anjany mein nazar aa rahay hein
Wah kiya adab ka daira hai ye.🤔👏👏👏