In this age of social media, becoming an overnight celebrity has become everyone’s dream. Everyone wants to see themselves on the heights of fame using the short method. Some people succeed in this technique while some people face remorse. And just nowadays everyone is engaged in the same thing.

Almost every one of you will know about Ayesha Akram. She is a famous TikToker and singer. She makes funny videos on her TikTok account to make people happy. But while celebrating independence, an unfortunate incident happened to her. She went to Minar-e-Pakistan and got stuck in the crowd.

As soon as this news went viral on social media, the people started supporting Ayesha Akram. After watching the viral video, people started demanding from the government that all of them should be punished. But at the same time, there were some people who blamed Ayesha Akram.

But in today’s article, we will see famous Pakistani TikToker and singer Ayesha Akram enjoying her vacation in the Northern Areas with her friend Rambo. In the viral photos, it can be seen that she is very happy while celebrating the holidays while the people behind her are also taking selfies during one photo.

Are you guys also following Ayesha Baig on her Instagram account and Facebook? If yes, please let us know in the comments section below. Thanks!