Ever gorgeous, stunning, and extremely talented Sayra Yousaf is the most celebrated actress in Pakistani drama industry. This Amazingly talented girl ventured into the world of glamor with her outstanding performance as a VJ on Ary Musik since then she’s been on a great journey of success and appreciation. She’s the most sophisticated and phenomenal actress who never ever indulged in any sort of cheap publicity stunts.
Recently her separation from her husband Shehroze Sabzwari became the talk of the town. Shehroze Sabzwari publicly talked about this matter but applause for this stunning girl who handled this situation with so much grace and peace. It wouldn’t be easy for her to digest all these talks that were making headlines at that time but she didn’t speak much about it.
Syra Yousaf in her interview with Fuchsia Magazine told that it was quite hurting for her that how people were eager to take her stance on their divorce but they were least concerned about the fact that she’s actually going through all this bad time and they are eager to get some likes and followers. She’s so courageous and doing really hard work to achieve milestones.
Sheheryar Munawar Siddiqui and Syra Yousaf made an amazing appearance at Ahsan Khan’s show Time Out With Ahsan Khan and this mesmerizing Jodi was seen shaking legs together. Their fans are all Praised for them and commenting like Syra Yousaf deserves someone just like Shehryar Munawar who’s so caring and honest. Here’s the video of their dance moves. Have a look.
Are you guys following Sayra Yousaf in drama series Sinf-e-Aahan? What are your reviews? Don’t forget to write to us in the comments section below. Thanks