Sinf-e-Aahan is a Pakistani television drama that depicts the story of six fearless, passionate, and devoted women in their life. The drama revolves around the hurdles in their lives and highlights the problems they face to reach PMA. Drama is made in collaboration with ISSB. In the start, the diverse plot of the drama seems to be appealing to a lot of audiences.
But as the episodes went on, fans of the drama seems to be unhappy with the twists taken in the story. The audience seems to be unhappy with the dialogues and scenes. The beautiful direction done by Nadeem Baig firstly appears to be interesting for an audience but now the audience says that there is an overdose of such scenes. As in the scene where LC Nathmy wrote a letter to her mother and the scene was shot in different locations across the country.
Now the drama is dragged with such scenes and dialogues which are not related to the story. The audience seems to be unhappy with the scenes of Major Usama and his family because they think that his part is totally useless and not connected with the theme of the drama.
The writer Umera Ahmed has penned down many hit serials and she can make it more loving to the audience by not adding such irrelevant scenes. In the one scene of the drama, between the conversation of Daadi and Shaista, daadi says that we are Pathans and we are fair in color. We can’t afford someone to be with the darker skin tone in our community. The netizens are not happy with the scene and many scenes likewise.
One user wrote that girls with guns in their hands were called ‘Sinf-e-Aahan’.
Another user expressed her opinion in this way.
Another user wrote angrily that I am getting a lot of disappointments from this drama.
One user wrote that so much changed in six weeks. I was very surprised to see.
We are looking forward to your views on the drama in the comments below. Thanks!
Its useless and over criticism on drama.