Recently, an incident took place in India which changed the miserable life of a young girl into a better luxurious life. An Indian photographer Arjun Krishnan met a beautiful balloon-selling girl Kisbu on the streets of Kerala, India. Impressed by the natural beauty and innocence of the young girl, the photographer took some photos of her while working at the roadside stall with Kisbu’s consent.
He uploads the pictures on his Instagram. The photos of the young girl goes viral and gave her fame overnight. Later Arjun showed the pictures to the family of Kisbu and claimed that they received the photos with joy.
As the photos went viral, some people approached the family of young girl Kisbu and said that they want to do a photoshoot of her. They wanted to take permission from the family to send their daughter to do modeling in the shoot. As the family allowed them then a proper photoshoot was done.
This time the photo shoot was done with a complete makeover. After the agreement, a makeup artist Remya Prajul started to do her magic on Kisbu’s transformation. After a proper pampering session that holds a complete manicure, pedicure, and facial on her face; the beauty of the young girl looks magnificent. She wore a red sari along with some gold jewelry for the shoot. Hoping for a bright future for the little girl ahead so that the poverty and miseries of her life come to an end.
So let us know about your thoughts on the transformation of this young girl Kisbu in the comments section below. Thanks!