Laila Zuberi, a senior actress has recently get vocal about her thoughts on Mahira Khan and Mehwish Hayat. Laila was spotted in an interview with Qasim Sheikh and she talked about industry’s secrets very bluntly. Coming to her most shocking statement that would definitely stun you, well everybody loves Mahira Khan but Laila seems not to be an admirer of her acting skills.
Talking about Mahira she stated that she won’t say she’s a brilliant actress, she’s not but Mahira is a complete package and definitely has a class, she looks so good. Wow! We are feeling like now everyone has started speaking against her. Recently Kanwar Arsalan also did the same and found faults in her performance and strategy to choose a good project.
Laila Zuberi went on commenting on Mehwish Hayat. She’s of the view that Mehwish had changed herself so much, she was so pretty but over the course of time, she has done bad to herself by changing her features. Mehwish Hayat went through certain facial surgeries and Laila Zuberi is definitely hinting at that point. Mehwish Hayat has truly transformed her features and she looks quite different.
Film Thori Setting Thora Payar is going to be released on 3rd May. Laila is all praised for Kamli actress Saba Qamar. Age considers Saba her favorite actress. It’s pertinent to say that Laila Zuberi and Saba Qamar’s films are going to be released on the same day. Laila has definitely got some warm wishes for Saba Qamar zaman’s movie. Here’s her interview clip, make sure to watch it.
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