Shagufta Ejaz is a very active and decent personality in Pakistan showbiz industry. She remains busy in her household activities and seems less on the screen in last few years but she always organizes different events at her home and invites other celebrities for fun and to spend quality time with them.

Shagufta Ejaz is mostly seen on her rooftop where she decorated a desi kitchen. People love to see her mini kitchen in which she put all the stuff that is used in villages of Punjab Pakistan. She is very active on her social media account from where we get new updates about her. She has 4 daughters and recently the second one got engaged.

Haya Ali, a beautiful daughter of Shagufta Ijaz wears a decent eastern dress in off-white and red color. She was looking very gracious. The couple showed their rings in a picture and they both are looking very happy and satisfied. Many other bright stars were also invited by Shagufta Ejaz to make the function more enjoyable and she asked every to pray for this young couple.

Shagufta is a very wise and intelligent mother as we can see that she married her first daughter at a very young age and is now engaged to the second one. Maybe she is afraid of cruel world and thinks that her daughters are very innocent.

How do you like the engagement pictures of Haya Ali? Is it a good thing to engage your kids too soon? Please express your feelings in the comment section given below. Thanks!