Armeena Khan is one of the most popular women in Pakistan film industry. She was born in Canada and raised there for a long time. She is highly educated at University of Manchester and proved herself as a gem in Pakistani film industry. She is included in the sixty most attractive actresses from Asia. She is the winner of many awards from inside and outside of Pakistan. She belongs to Pashtun and Punjabi family and this helped her to overcome the language problem that she faced when her family migrated to Pakistan.

Armeena Khan is engaged to a very handsome guy Fesl Khan who is a businessman. The couple has seen dating each other many times as recently she uploaded a picture of themselves from movie night. In the caption she said, “I haven’t posted in a while, it’s nice to take mental health breaks from socials. Any why here is our date night”. They watched a movie named “Top Gun” on the 7th of June and suggested everyone to check it at least one time.

Armeema shared one more picture of her fiancé holding her earring to relieve her for a while in that situation. She told that her earring was very heavy and she held it for a long time but her arms got tired then her fiancé helped her in that difficult moment. She was thankful to ALLAH Almighty for blessing her with that man and for her, this is the language of love.

Armeena shared some enchanting clicks with her sister in which they both are looking same and very pretty. They both share a beautiful bond together that can be seen through their pictures. Here is a collection of some adorable clicks of Armeena with her biological sister.

How do you see Armeena’s friendly personality and her new clicks with her sister? Please share your views in the comment section given below. Thanks!