HomeDramasAreeba Habib bought an animal for Eid-Ul-Adha

Areeba Habib bought an animal for Eid-Ul-Adha

As we know our religious event Eid ul Azha is very close and will be celebrated in coming month of July. All the people in Pakistan try to buy reasonable animals for the occasion but nowadays it’s very difficult to find a healthy animal at better rate. Due to the rising inflation in Pakistan everything is going out of the range of middle-class people. The same is the case with animals, they became highly expensive and the public is very upset because they are unable to sacrifice any animal on coming Eid.

Areeba Habib bought an animal for Eid-Ul-Adha
Areeba Habib bought an animal for Eid-Ul-Adha

Eid-Ul-Adha is celebrated on the 10th of Zilhajj, according to the Islamic calendar of Pakistan. The sacrifice of animals is in the memory of Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion to ALLAH Almighty. He was ready to sacrifice his son according to his dream but ALLAH Almighty replaced his son Ismail with a Ram and accepted his Prophet’s sacrifice. All the Muslims in the world sacrifice their animal on Eid-Ul-Adha. To watch the video click link below.

Besides common people in Pakistan, celebrities are also very much interested to buy animals. Ariba Habib who is a famous actress and recently got married to a businessman in a very ornamental ceremony. Areeba is recently spotted on a cattle farm owned by her own husband. She bought a white and black bull named Sher Khan. She also mentioned the name of her husband’s farm “Sheikh at the farm” and request her followers to visit to buy their animals and also met her animal, Sher Khan. She also thank ALLAH Almighty for his great blessings and gave us the ability to follow his instructions about our religion.

Areeba Habib bought an animal for Eid-Ul-Adha
Areeba Habib bought an animal for Eid-Ul-Adha

What do you say about Ariba’s animal and his husband‘s cattle farm? Are you ready to visit the cattle farm in your own area? Please share your views in the comment section given below. Thanks!

Kinza Javed
Hello Kinza Javed! I love writing and have a master's degree in Mass Communication. I write news and also enjoy writing stories in my free time.