Wasim Akram really needs no introduction, the way he inspired millions of boys to aspire to their career in cricket is totally awestruck and commendable. He’s still serving Pakistani team with his incredibly finest and most precious judgments and our present cricketers have definitely got a lot to learn from this institution. Marriage is definitely the most impactful and important part of anyone’s life. The effect and aura your spouse creates for you truly have a great impact on your mind and your life.
To lose your partner is so tragic and a never-ending pain that has no cure. Her/His memories always cherish you. Wasim Akram lost his wife Huma Akram Mufti. Wasim Akram often shares his memories with Huma. Be it her birthdays or anniversaries he keeps her alive by missing that time.
Wasim Akram is of the view that he is such a lucky man that Allah Almighty blessed him both times with incredible wives. His second wife Shaniera is such a wonderful woman and they both are living the best life. According to him, relationships sustain only when there’s an effort from both sides. Wasim Akram is really winning hearts with this interview. Here’s the specific part of the video for you guys. Have a look.
Wasim Akram never hesitates in putting his feelings into words concerning his both wives. He was spotted in the show TBH with Tabish Hashmi. He gets vocal about his wife’s part in his life. He called her an amazing woman who definitely taught him many things in life. He claimed to miss her a lot.
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