Pakistani model Fia Khan has finally welcomed her newborn baby girl. Throughout her pregnancy, the model kept catching attention with her extremely bold pregnancy photoshoots. These pregnancy shoots brought immense criticism to her. In her pregnancy announcement post, she wrote that despite being in her 40s she’s pregnant.
It’s pertinent to add that Fia has two daughters from her previous marriage and now again has welcomed another baby girl. Her Turkish husband Erken Tolga has provided some insight Into before and after delivery moments. He also shared a picture of Fia with the caption baby loading. In another picture, he went on to share his amazing feelings about waiting for the baby to be born while Fia was in an operation theatre.
This mesmerizing couple has named their daughter Alisa Erik Khan and we are truly in love with these pictures. Fia is breaking the norms of society and she has definitely much concerned about her happiness and family. She never pays heed to trollers who literally want to disturb her. Fia also took to her Instagram account and shared her first glimpse post delivery. She managed to keep herself much active throughout this pregnancy yet her bold photoshoot sparked controversies.
Fans are waiting to have more looks at this little munchkin. We would be sharing some more amazing pictures down there and we hope you all going to fall hard for these heart-warming clicks. Alisa is a new addition to Fia Khan’s family. Once she gets better she would definitely treat her fans with some spectacular snaps of this little munchkin. Let’s have a look together.
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