Muharram, the very first Islamic month, brings a lot of grief, and sorrow with it. Muslims across the world show respect for this month. The month of Imam e Hussain A.S and his countless companions and family members who gave their lives and uplifted the flag of truthfulness, and loyalty. 9th and 10th Muharram are called Youm e Ashura. Thirsty companions and our beloved Imam e Hussain A.S didn’t let Yazid win. Apparently, it was the victory of Yazid but the victory of Islam and Hazrat Imam e Hussain is everlasting.

Showbiz personalities are also busy in Muharram Majalis. Raza Talish, Natasha Ali, Naveed Raza, Mohsin Abbas Haider, Komal Rizvi, Madiha Rizvi, Zubi Majeed, Resham, Yumna Zaidi, Sadia Imam, Resham, and many more celebrities are spotted sharing the pictures.

Actress Resham has always seemed to cook Nayaz in huge amounts. Her videos always get appreciation from her fans. Sadia Imam also belongs to a shia family and they properly observe Muharram Majalis. It’s so lovely to see all of the celebrities sharing pictures. We as Muslims are supposed to know the details of this historic event of Karbala. This is something that even can’t describe in words. Tears and immense grief is the only thing you feel throughout this month.

Meera G and Humaira Arshad were also seen together at a place. Here we are sharing some more pictures of your favorite celebrities. You guys don’t forget to have a look. There you go.

Is there any other Shia celebrity we missed in our article? If you guys know, feel free to let us know in the comments section below. Thanks!