We are aware of the catastrophic situation of flood that has created a havoc and people are suffering from the worst conditions. Hadiqa Kiani is doing an amazing job to give relief to these helpless people who are waiting for someone to come and rescue them. Hadiqa Kiani’s past efforts concerning the same issues have always been appreciated. This time she’s coming with more enthusiasm and determination.
Meera Jee is also joining hands in order to get funds for these affected people. So recently Meera performed in New York City for find raising session. She was seen dancing her heart out and this was what she could do. She is better than all those selfish and materialistic stars who are literally busy making merry and behaving as if everything is going smoothly.

From dropping food pictures to having birthday celebrations, they are enjoying their life to the fullest. We are not against celebrating one’s life but you should be sane enough to have a sense that what are the conditions of your country and what image you are portraying of your self. Meera has always got criticized and people have mocked her but she’s winning our hearts with her performance and the cause is even more beautiful and heartwarming.
Social media users are continuously bashing influential personalities for showing indifferent attitudes toward these people whose helplessness is touching the heights of selfishness. This is the time when we all need to stand together for the integrity and sovereignty of our country. Have a look!
So guys what are your thoughts about Meera’s efforts? Write to us here in the comments section below. Thanks!