Everyone needs a support system and uphold whenever they feel anxiety, stress, and depression. We always need some people who can provide you with emotional support. In our family, such morale boosters are our siblings. They are very important and necessary in our life. Warm siblings’ relationship with love and affection is a real blessing. They are powerful to protect against loneliness and depression. Hence, they are the best possible friends. Having siblings is more laughter and fun and we will have more opportunities to learn many golden lessons.

Siblings play an important role in developing empathy. They can understand each other. In a situation where one had to sacrifice him/her to save their brother or sister, they will never refuse. They will always step forward to save them. Recently an incident happened, where a girl donates her kidney to her dying brother. Her brother was a kidney patient for almost 9 years. The doctors were disappointed and told them that boy cannot survive with his defected and damaged kidney for more than 3 days. There was a need for a kidney transplant. Her sister came forward and donate a lifesaving kidney to his brother. The surgery was successful. This girl has set an example for everyone. Blood relationships are always important for everyone, no one can see them dying.

Love is a feeling that is not seen but you can feel. This feeling is stronger than any other and you easily sacrifice anything, even yourself for the sake of your family. Sacrifice is the most purest and noble way to show affection. This kind of selfless love is the purest love.

What kind of relationships do you have with your siblings? Not just care about yourself, but look after the well-being of others.