Pictures of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan and his ex-wife Kiran Rao doing puja in his office are going viral on social media. Advait Chandan, the director of the film Laal Singh Chaddha, shared the pictures of both of them performing aarti.
Aamir Khan and his ex-wife Kiran Rao were seen performing puja at the office as per Hindu rituals. Aamir started the main puja and joined Karan as they performed the aarti together. Laal Singh Chaddha director Advait Chandan shared the pictures on his official Instagram handle, along with pictures of other office members who also took part in the puja.
Aamir Khan appeared in a sweatshirt and denim and also wore a Nehru cap on his head and a cloth around his shoulders as he placed a Kalash (pot) as part of a Hindu ritual during the puja. His office was decorated with colorful balloons although the purpose of the puja is still unknown.
Advait also shared another bunch of pictures of Aamir and Kiran standing close to each other to perform aarti one by one. They are seen holding puja plates in their hands and joining their hands in prayer. Aamir’s ex-wife Kiran Rao is also seen in a long denim shirt and leggings. Aamir and Kiran ended their 15-year-long marriage with divorce last year. They continue to co-parent with their 11-year-old son Azad Rao Khan. They are also seen together at film parties, award functions, airports, or other occasions.
Aamir’s fans reacted beautifully to their pictures together, saying, “Wow I’m so happy, so cute Aamir Khan Ji Karan Rao Ji Puja Kartay Huway Buhat Buhat Pyare Laag Rahay Ho amazing (you both looking awesome). ” Another fan commented, “Will always love both.”
If you guys also want to see pictures of Aamir Khan and his ex-wife Kiran Rao doing puja and aarti together, then check out below.
Don’t forget to tell us in the comment section below: Does Islam allow Muslim actors to perform puja and aarti? Or all of us have forgotten our traditions and our religion in the pursuit of fame and money in this world? After reading the article, share your thoughts with us. Thanks!
he has and will earn fame and money bc obv this all is also an ACT and a way to get cheap fame and followers and to get back with the ex but alas you have traded diamonds for rocks mr amir and you should change your name also bc clearly you are not a muslim anymore.