It’s definitely the most auspicious occasion of Madiha Khan’s life as she’s all set to embrace motherhood. This gorgeous diva is sharing the most heartwarming and captivating pictures from her Godh Bharai ceremony. Well, the most beautiful thing is that she and her sister (Darakshan) both are expecting their first babies and they both are definitely over the moon.
These stunning ladies are looking so breathtakingly gorgeous in the same traditional attires and they’re posing with their husbands. Ahsan and Madiha grabbed all the limelight with their outstanding and so different Tiktok videos. Later they both fell hard for each other and are married now. Ahsan and Madiha’s vlogs are truly worth watching. Ahsan keeps playing pranks on his wife and this time his prank cheating on his wife was really so much hilarious.
Well, they both are going to start a remarkable journey with their little one. Parenthood is an extremely joyful experience and this emotion really makes you change your priorities. You suddenly fall in love with this little newborn creature and day and night keep thinking about him/her. These so much gorgeous pictures are presenting the two most beautiful muses in a frame.
Madiha and Ahsan are all set to experience this emotional and joyful ride. We are wishing them all the love and luck for Their future. We are in love with these amazing pictures.
Here we are presenting some more clicks. have a click!
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