Urvashi Rautela, cricketer Naseem Shah ki Deewani, recently celebrated her 29th birthday in Paris, France. Her lavish spending on the occasion has made waves on social media, setting a new record of extravagance.
As per numerous reports from Indian media outlets, Urvashi Rautela, who has made a remarkable mark in her journey from a beauty pageant contestant to an actress, celebrated her birthday in extravagant style with diamond-adorned roses and 24-carat cupcakes.
The birthday celebration was embellished with Helium balloons, red roses, and stunning candles, with a whopping expense of approximately 93 lakh rupees. Urvashi also shared images of the festivities on her Instagram account, spreading her joy with her followers.
The Indian actress donned valuable attire for her special day, a blue dress adorned with bejeweled glasses, diamond rings, chunky bracelets, and expensive earrings that added to her stunning appearance.
Previously, Urvashi Rautela had conveyed birthday wishes to Pakistani cricketer Naseem Shah through her Instagram account. It remains to be seen if Naseem Shah reciprocates with birthday greetings for Urvashi. There is no doubt that Urvashi holds a great deal of love and affection in her heart for Naseem Shah, as evidenced by her previous message.
Please take a moment to extend your warm wishes to the renowned Indian actress Urvashi Rautela on her 29th birthday by leaving a comment below. We pray that Allah showers her with numerous joyful birthdays in the future. Ameen!