It will not be wrong at all to say that many weddings take place during the winter months in Pakistan and people eagerly wait for the winter months throughout the year. Yes, at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, we have seen many celebrity weddings. Just a few days ago, actress Ushna Shah’s marriage also became the center of attention on social media.

Yes, today we are talking about star Ali Hyderabadi. Of course, Ali needs no introduction, he has made a big name on the TikTok application due to his talent. And currently, people are following him on his account in the millions. He is now not just a Tik Tok star but has also become a popular model who is often seen doing fashion shoots.
The good news is that Ali Haiderabadi is also no longer single and is married to his love interest Zainab Ali. Ali’s wife Zainab also makes videos on TikTok and is trying to become famous like Ali. Both the husband and wife have shared their wedding photos on social media and shared the good news with fans.

But in today’s article, we will see Ali and Zainab’s wedding pictures. In the viral photos, Ali and Zainab can be seen wearing matching white and gold dresses on their big day. TikToker wore an ivory and white sherwani while Zainab looked dressed up in a white and gold gharara with a traditional red dupatta.
If you also want to see the wedding pictures of Pakistan’s famous TikTok star Ali Hyderabadi and his wife Zainab Ali, then check out below.

Don’t forget to congratulate famous Pakistani TikTok stars Ali Hyderabadi and Zainab Ali on their wedding in the comment section below. Thanks!